How To Play
Step 1: Install & Setup 🦊MetaMask Wallet
Link to download Metamask (Official website): Details guide for How To Create MetaMask account & add Binance Smart Chain network.
Step 2: Purchasing NFP on 🥞Pancakeswap
Once your MetaMask has been connected to BSC network and has received an appropriate amount of BNB, you may proceed to Pancakeswap exchange and using BNB to purchase NFP. Details guide for How To Purchase NFP tokens on Pancakeswap.
Step 3: Minting Mages & Weapons
🧙🏻♀️Mages Mages are one of the two main types of NFTs available in Crypto Magic War. Mages are of necessity for Combat performance in Crypto Magic War and only increase in value as the player continues to win fights.
All of NFP spent minting characters goes directly into the contract used to give fight payouts.
More information on Mages can be found here: Mages 🔮Weapons Weapons are one of the two main types of NFTs available in Crypto Magic War. Characters use Weapons to perform fights and earn NFP.
Minting weapons currently serves as the primary NFP sink along with Reinforcement.
All of NFP spent minting weapons goes directly into the contract used to give fight payouts.
More information on weapons can be found here: Weapons
Step 4: Fighting & Earn NFP
Now, you can use your mage character and weapon to participate in combat and win NFP tokens for rewards.
Please Note: Crypto Magic War operates purely on-chain, that's why it is of necessity to use BNB for transaction gas fees to be constantly paid by Players.
More information on gas fees can be found here: Gas Fees
Each fight will consume Stamina at a rate of 40/80/120/160/200 stamina per fight depending on the player's selected stamina cost per fight.
More information on Fighting can be found here: Fighting
Last updated
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